Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Maybe about once a year I get contacted by a social worker, another physician, or a medical student asking me about how they can obtain "services" for a patient -- and illegal immigrant, of course -- who has a medical problem requiring some sort of long-term therapy.

The two most common situations have been the need for hemodialysis and for solid organ transplantation. These patients are really between a rock and a hard place (o si prefieres castellano: con la espalda contra la pared).

If this theme interests you, please see this excellent article in The New York Times from earlier this year.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Scooby Doo

I was visiting some Mexican friends that have been living here in the States for years; in fact, all their three children were born here. They only speak Spanish in the home, so that the children will be bilingual, but when the kids talk among themselves, they use a mix of English and Spanish.

So while I was there, I overheard them talking about their favorite cartoon – Scooby Doo.

One of them kept referring to "El Desgreñado," and I couldn't figure out what she was talking about.

Then it hit me – Shaggy.

Desgreñado is a word that means muy despeinado, or con el cabello muy desarreglado. Shaggy, in other words.